What To Do If I Have Pain After A Stroke?

Are you aware that someone has a stroke every forty seconds in the United States alone? Additionally, someone dies in an attack every 3.5 seconds on your clock!

These data are among the most concerning in recent memory regarding fatality rates and the prevalence of strokes. Many individuals do, however, manage to survive one. They are thankful to be alive, yet some stroke survivors struggle daily with chronic pain.

Chronic pain is unpleasant because it alters the dynamics of your life completely. It disrupts your relationships with people in your social, professional, private, and intimate spheres. And for this reason, LA Pain Care is committed to finding ways to relieve your pain following a stroke. Although it may be difficult to predict whether you will experience pain after a stroke, we can help you heal more quickly and manage your pain to regain control over your life.

Types of Pain After a Stroke and How to Cure Them

Here are some of the major pains that you may experience after having a stroke. The pain may be a few hours, days, months, or even months after the attack.

Painful shoulders

Capsulitis (frozen shoulder): The ball and socket shoulder joint is held together with ligaments and muscles covered by a soft tissue called a capsule. After a stroke, the ligaments and muscles may be weak, so gravity starts to strain the ligaments and the capsule. The results are limited locomotion of the joint, inflammation, stretching, and damage. All this causes pain.

Subluxation: This is a partial dislocation when the ball slightly moves from the socket.

Prevention and pain management

The prevention of frozen shoulder usually involves the use of foam support, taping, or orthodontic support.

For pain relief caused by subluxation, electrical stimulation is used on the shoulder muscles.

For pain management in both cases, painkillers and physical therapy are administered. A physiotherapist helps patients with stretching exercises that keep the joints moving.

Central post-stroke pain (CPSP) (Central pain syndrome/neuropathic pain)

Neuropathic pain happens when parts of the brain that perceive pain are affected during the stroke. This pain can be described as:

  • Burning or cold sensation.
  • Throbbing pain.
  • Piercing, sharp pain.
  • Numbness or pins and needles.


General treatment typically involves using painkillers. Additional treatments are TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation), pain clinics, and pain management programs. If the pain is extreme, therapists can recommend deep brain stimulation (DBS).

Swollen hand

If a stroke patient does not use their hands frequently, the fluid buildup may result in swollen hands. When the patient enjoys hanging their arm downward, it happens often.


Elevating your arm will suffice as a treatment to lessen the fluid buildup. Your physiotherapist can be of further assistance and advice.

Headaches and migraines

After a stroke, you may first experience headaches as a side effect of your medication. Second, they might be brought on by hydrocephalus, a condition in which the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) that surrounds the brain and spinal cord builds up. Headaches, dizziness, and nausea could occur if the liquid does not drain due to a brain hemorrhage.


Your doctor will prescribe an alternate painkiller if the use of a particular medication is the root of the problem.

When hydrocephalus is the underlying reason, surgery is used to treat the condition. A shunt, or thin tube, is used to drain the fluid from the area where it has accumulated.

Generally, other things that you may do is drink plenty of water and avoid the consumption of alcohol. Reducing smoking is also an excellent step to curb headaches after a stroke.

How La Pain Care Can Help You Deal With Pain After A Stroke

Whatever your discomfort, tell your doctor so they can diagnose it. The evaluation will determine the best treatment.

Our experts from LA Pain Care can help you better manage any pain you experience due to a stroke. We provide the most effective comprehensive care for all types of pain that may arise after a stroke. Fill out the form below to schedule your consultation for optimum pain relief treatment.

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