Back pain is a nearly inevitable part of life, and an estimated 80 percent of the population will experience it at some point. While most back pains can be addressed through self-care, sometimes the pain is more severe and needs professional care.

Often, bulging muscles don’t hurt, and the pain comes from somewhere else. Your lower back muscles, for example, sometimes feel tight, stiff, and weak, and nothing you do will make them feel better. If you’ve noticed that your back hurts or feels stiff, you may have a back muscle spasm.

But what does back muscle spasm tell you? What is the message in the pain?

Causes of Back Muscle Spasm

To understand better what your back muscle spasm is telling you, it’s important to first understand what causes back muscle spasms.

 Injury to the Soft Tissues

If you experience minor back pains, then chances are that it may be caused by a muscle spasm. The discomfort can be triggered by the soft tissues. It can result in some minor contractions that are not strong enough to cause much damage or harm.

 Underlying Spinal Condition

Another cause of back muscle spasm is an underlying condition that is irritating the underlying muscle. Degenerative disc disease, herniated disc, and spinal stenosis are some of the most common causes of back muscle spasms.

Other causes include the following: A herniated disc occurs when the soft, gel-like center of the disc pushes out through a tear in the tough outer covering of the disc.

What to Do If You Have a Back Muscle Spasm

When you experience back muscle spasms, it’s important to know what you should do and what is going on with your body. Here are some tips to help you.


If you have a back muscle spasm, you should rest the area as much as possible. Without rest, the problem will get worse. If the pain is particularly severe, you may need to take over-the-counter pain medications like ibuprofen or acetaminophen.

Ice Therapy

You can relieve yourself from  pain by wrapping up ice in a towel and applying it on the specific area where you feel the pain.The cold ice will reduce local inflammation and subsequently reduce the pain. 

See a Doctor

Whenever you experience back muscle spasms of any intensity, ensure to see your doctor immediately.

Key Takeaway

Generally, the first thing you must do is look at why you have back muscle spasms. Understanding and analyzing the reason for your lower back muscle spasm is the first step in treating them. Are you experiencing any back muscle spasms? Contact us today by filling out this form.